Alcaldía Santo Domingo Este




The mobile application of the Mayors Office of Santo Domingo Este opens a new direct communication channel for citizens with their local government, in order to encourage citizens to connect with the city council from the digital environment to simplify access to services, incident claims, request for permits, schedules and frequency of garbage collection.For this it has different sections:NEWSUpdating of news, articles and incidences of the latest activities and initiatives that the SDE City Council is developing.CLAIMSCommunication channel where each citizen can make complaints about what is happening in their sector, classified by categories.SERVICES AND PAYMENTSAccess to the catalog of services offered by the city council, where the user can select and process the payment process of the tax that is required.ROUTES AND FREQUENCIESVisualization of the itinerary of the routes and frequencies of garbage collection by district or sector.The citizen now has a new opportunity to consult and connect with the activities and services that are carried out from the Santo Domingo Este City Hall in the Dominican Republic.-------------------------------------------------- -------Its always a pleasure to hear from you! If you have any comments or questions, please email us at the following address:[email protected] follow us on twitter: -------